Selten, dass bei einem Fotobuch Form und Inhalt so gut zusammengepasst haben und das fertige Produkt zusätzlich ironisch bis zynisch, clever und subtil funktionierte wie bei „The Pigs“ von Carlos Spottorno (Editorial RM, 112 Seiten, 9,90 Euro). Denn der Spanier hat für sein Buch, das eigentlich ein Heft ist, das Wirtschaftsmagazin „The Economist“ als Vorbild gehabt.
Meine Kurzbesprechung ist in der Photographie erschienen und gibt es hier.
Link: The Pigs
Carlos Spottorno: „The Pigs“ – Cover in Verkaufsverpackung.
Carlos Spottorno: Spanien, 2009. Young men play mud-football. Football and getting dirt are two very fun things to put together. In addition it’s cheap, so the town council can afford it. Not so long ago mid-sized towns in Spain would hire world famous pop and rock stars for their local festivities. A good example is the concert the Rolling Stones gave at the 70.000 people town of El Ejido in 2006.
Carlos Spottorno: Athen, Griechenland, 2012. The church of Panaghia Kapnikaraia was built around 1.050 A.D. and it’s one of the oldest in Athens. That circumstance doesn’t seem to have stopped the long chain of people and institutions involved in the urbanistic plans to allow constructing a low quality, oversized office building a few meters from it. There are so many old treasures in Athens, that 1.000 years old stuff is old not enough to deserve protection.
Carlos Spottorno: Portugal, 2013. Expo ’98 was an official specialised World’s Fair held in Lisbon. The theme of the fair was „The Oceans, a Heritage for the Future,“ chosen in part to commemorate 500 years of Portuguese discoveries. The Expo received around 11 million visitors, while 155 countries and organizations were represented. It was a total success, and the facilities built for the event are still in use today. For example, these two boys enjoying a stagnat water pool in a hot spring day.
Carlos Spottorno: Portugal, 2013. Tiles painting is one of the most unique and world known crafts from Portugal. In this corner they used the traditional tile painting technique to write this message: „holy Europe of hope“, and added many euro symbols also painted on tiles. Southern european countries are traditionally very europhiles. Thanks to the extreme austerity measures imposed by the so-called Troika, this feeling is quickly disappearing. Just like the tiles on the wall.
Carlos Spottorno: Spanien, 2009. Residencial Francisco Hernando was built in the early 2000’s decade. This residential compound is now partially empty. Many low-middle class families bought one or two apartments on credit for speculating, and got trapped by the bubble burst. The banks own almost all the empty apartments, but they don’t pay the service charges. The neighborhood is isolated and it was built very close to a tires dump.